Click for Information on our Various Ensembles

Music at Wilton High School

Welcome to the Wilton High School Music Department!

The Wilton High School Music Department offers students diverse opportunities for musical exploration and growth. Here's an overview of what you can expect:

Program Offerings: Whether you're interested in classical music, jazz, contemporary styles, or music theory, our program has something for everyone. Students can choose from a variety of ensembles and courses, including band, orchestra, choir, jazz band, marching band, music theory, and music technology.

Performance Opportunities: Throughout the year, students have the chance to showcase their talents in a variety of performances, including concerts, competitions, and community events. 

Annual Music Department Trip: One of the highlights of our music program is the annual music department trip, where all music students have the opportunity to travel together for a weekend of educational and social activities. This trip provides students with opportunities to bond with their peers, perform for a wider audience in exciting venues, and learn from outstanding clinicians and conductors. Past destinations have included Boston, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington DC, and Disney World.

Collaborative Environment & Community Engagement: Music is a collaborative art form, and our department fosters a supportive and inclusive atmosphere where students can learn from one another. Through rehearsals, workshops, and ensemble performances, students develop teamwork and forge lasting friendships.

Our Programs

  • Band at WHS consists of three curricular ensembles (Concert Band, Wind Ensemble, and Percussion Ensemble) which rehearse during the school day and perform multiple times each year.  Interested students also are encouraged to participate in Marching Band and Jazz Band, which meet before and after school.

    Find out more about Band

    Find out more about Marching Band

  • Orchestra at WHS consists of two curricular ensembles (Concert Orchestra and Symphonic Orchestra) which rehearse during the school day and perform multiple times each year. The groups play by themselves as a string orchestra, and with members of the band as a full symphonic orchestra. Students receive small-group lesson instruction in addition to full-group rehearsals.

    Learn more about Orchestra here

  • Chorus at WHS consists of four curricular ensembles (Treble Choir, Bottom Line, Chamber Singers, and Madrigal Singers) which rehearse during the school day and perform multiple times each year. Students also have the opportunity to join one of three A Cappella groups which rehearse before and after school.

    Find out more on our Choirs page

  • Music Theory classes at WHS are offered on alternating years. The first year of each rotation includes Music Theory I and Music Theory II, each of which run for one semester. These courses require only basic previous knowledge of music theory such as reading notation, and includes instruction in notes, scales, chords, rhythm, melody, harmony, and form. The following year of each rotation offers a full-year course of AP Music Theory. This more rigorous course prepares students for the annual AP Exam and is highly recommended for students planning to study music at the college level.

  • The study of Music Technology allows students to learn about the tools composers and performers use to create digital music. Topics include Audio Editing, Production, Live Sound, MIDI, Analysis, and Music Distribution. Two levels of Music Technology class are offered at WHS: Introduction to Music Technology and Music Technology II.  Both courses run one semester each and are offered each year.

  • The Tri-M Music Honor Society is a program of the National Association for Music Education, and is dedicated to the recognition of exceptional music students.  Members meet regularly to perform for each other and receive peer feedback, plan musical events, and perform community service hours related to music. Candidates must be recommended for membership by their music teacher, and meet the academic, musical, and leadership requirements of the organization. More information about TRI-M can be found here.

Music Boosters

The Wilton High School Music Boosters is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization dedicated to supporting quality music education in our school. Our goal is to have 100% of our families join the Music Boosters. Find out more about our work and how you can be involved on our Music Boosters Page.

With your help, we:

  • Purchased new drums for Marching Band

  • Sponsored festival participation and visiting artist workshops for Chorus

  • Sponsored the WHS Jazz Symposium

  • Provided need-based aid for several families for the Boston Music Trip

    And so much more…..

The Wilton High School Team

Troy Williams

Will Mandelbaum

MJ Alexander

Angelica Jara

Malcolm Karlan

  • As a student at Wilton High School, being involved in a course such as Choir has shaped my high school experience in the best way. The space is one of creativity and support, so you feel encouraged to work your hardest in order to improve your ensemble. Choir also fosters a space of compassion, so finding friends is not a difficult task. Additionally, Choir’s afternoon clubs have really aided in learning adaptability. From learning beatboxing to singing barbershop, Choir and its after school activities has really been one of the most interesting and fun parts of my time in high school.


  • Choir and orchestra classes are always my favorite part of the day. I always look forward to having time to be creative and learn about music with my friends during the school day. Wilton High School music classes have helped me make friends and build my confidence. It is such an amazing feeling to make music in this group of talented and supportive people, and I love getting to participate in every rehearsal, meeting, and performance in the Wilton High School arts program.


  • Being a member of choir and the theater community has been one of the most formative and rewarding things I’ve ever experienced! I’ve made so many friends and memories and I’m so excited for my next two years here!


Music in our Schools

Miller Driscoll

Cider Mill


Wilton HS
