Click here to view musical performances from throughout the district


Click here to view musical performances from throughout the district |

Welcome to Music in Wilton Public Schools!

Wilton’s music program aims to ensure all students have the opportunity to develop an understanding and appreciation for multiple forms of musical expression, allowing them to become lifelong performers, listeners, and advocates of music.  Our program is designed to address the National Core Arts Standards of Creating, Performing, Responding, and Connecting, ensuring rich musical experiences for all students. The curriculum is aligned horizontally and vertically to ensure comprehensive and coherent experiences for students, throughout their K-12 Music education in Wilton. The music studied in class is drawn from diverse genres and multiple time periods, representative of various cultures and traditions.

Music instruction in Wilton comprises of four “Strands:”

  • General/Core Music begins in Pre-K, and provides a framework for music literacy and appreciation that will support more specialized instruction in later years. General Music continues into middle school for students not enrolled in Band, Orchestra, or Chorus, and culminates in high school with elective classes in Music Theory and Music Technology.

  • Chorus:  Vocal music instruction is integrated into elementary Core Music classes, and students have the opportunity to begin formalized choral ensemble performance beginning in 4th grade. Choir instruction continues through middle and high school. 

  • Orchestra: Students have the opportunity to learn a string instrument beginning in 3rd grade. Instruction continues through middle and high school, and includes options for advanced ensembles.

  • Band:  Beginning in 5th grade, students have the opportunity to learn a woodwind, brass, or percussion instrument in the band program.  Band offerings continue through middle and high school, and also includes Marching Band and Jazz Ensemble options.

Music instruction in Wilton is overseen by Instructional Leaders Michael Gordon (
gordonm@wiltonps.org) and Malcolm Karlan (karlanm@wiltonps.org).

Music in our Schools

Miller Driscoll

Cider Mill


Wilton HS


Wilton Continuing Education

WCE is a non-profit organization that is part of Wilton Public Schools. Their after school enrichment programs contain music programs that supplement in school offerings. The Wilton Conservatory of Music also offers private, one-on-one, music lessons.

Learn more

  • My son has participated in the strings program at Cider Mill for two years, and after learning cello, he started to use the music reading skills to add guitar and piano to his studies at home. As a musician myself, I’m thrilled to see the next generation be supported by the best music educators a district can have!

    Kirsten Brooks Young

  • My daughter has been a cellist since the age of 4. She has had many incredible teachers through her musical career but Mr. Karlan and Ms Jara have been two of the most supportive and inspiring. Her foundation and experience with the Wilton Music Department has been a crucial in her development as a leader and mentor to young musicians. She now performs in several orchestras in CT and NYC and studies at Juilliard on the weekends. My family is grateful to the music department in Wilton as it been an incredible journey for all of us.

    Selina Santos

  • My daughter has gained confidence and meaningful friendships through choir and band. Mrs. Nobles was a wonderful champion at Middlebrook. At WHS, Mr. Williams helped my daughter grow as a musician and Mr. M arranged multiple extracurriculars that allowed my daughter to expand her musical experiences (e.g. perform in Boston, learn from a University professor, perform in a flash mob in NYC with a famous singer. The concerts are next level and speak to the kids’ and teachers’ hard work, passion and dedication

    Amy Elkis Dickerson