What's new in FAPA Wilton?


What's new in FAPA Wilton? -

WHS Theater

Improv shows are this week! Click to buy tickets

Congratulations to the 43 WHS musicians who auditioned for the All State Festival this weekend! These students qualified by first winning a spot in the Western Region Festival, and will perform with the top musicians in the state in March if accepted.


Due to the expected snow, the RSO concert will begin at 6:00 PM instead of 7:30! Free student tickets are still available from Mr. Karlan. More info here. Hope to see you there!

Read all about RSO conductor Eric Mahl’s visit with the WHS Symphonic Orchestra HERE!

DC Trip

3rd and final installments are now due. You should have received an email with your invoice. Please reach out to Malcolm Karlan with any questions

Welcome to the FAPA website for Wilton Public Schools

We believe the arts have always served as the distinctive vehicle for discovering who we are as individuals and as a society. Providing ways of thinking as disciplined as science or math and as disparate as philosophy or literature, the arts are used by and have shaped every culture and individual on earth. The fact that the arts provide important touchstones confirms their value to the development of every human being. Nurturing our children, then, necessarily means that we must provide every child with a well-rounded education that includes the arts. By doing so, we are fulfilling the college and career readiness needs of our students, laying the foundations for the success of our schools and, ultimately, the success of our nation.

Our philosophy and approach are based on decades of research about the ways within which educators can give all children key arts experiences. Through creative practices, these experiences will help students understand what it means to be artistically literate, and how that literacy can enrich their education and lives with 21st century skills developed through the arts.

Music Homepage

Art Homepage

Theater Homepage

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Check out the latest on our FAPA Instagram feed! -

  • As a teacher and parent, I’ve seen we have diverse needs of students. Some students excel at sports or math, some art. My daughters have both excelled in pottery and painting. One daughter is taking art as a minor in college and the other contemplating a career in art. They also participated in Improv (Freeplay) as well as working behind the scenes in theater. It provided a place for them to find themselves and a place where they felt like they belonged. The arts create a space for like minded thinking and friendships. To say that the arts program is integral to Wilton, is like saying we need air to breathe.

    Melissa Kennedy

  • Mr. Johnson and Mr. Tait have brought so much enrichment to my children while at MD. We will get to start the cider mill instrument program this school year and my daughter’s excitement is palpable. While so many school districts have had to suffer great losses in the art and music department, it is such a joy to have so much offered during the school day and as continuing education for our district kids here in Wilton.

    Alyssa Yan

  • Both my kids have benefited from their fine arts and music classes as well as the theater program throughout their time in the Wilton public schools. My son has converted the training that he got into choir in college and I love knowing that both are set up to make fine and performing arts a part of their lives as adults.

    Kim Purcell

  • I was involved in music in Wilton schools right from my first performance of Rainbow Connection (complete with sign language!) in first grade. In 3rd grade I started playing cello and I was involved in both orchestra and choir from then on. I was lucky enough to participate in programs such as Advanced Strings, Symphonic Orchestra, Madrigals, and Unlike the Rest (a cappella). I took part in Western Regionals and All-State festivals and had an amazing experience singing in the All-National choir. I also got to travel to Disney with the music department and sing at Disney Spring - an unforgettable trip with music friends I'd known forever. I've just finished my first year at college and sing in two choirs there, and this summer I was lucky to be able to take a trip to Portugal to sing with one of those choirs. Music is and always will be a huge part of my life and I'm so grateful for the incredible music education I received here in Wilton."
