Art at Miller Driscoll
Art at Miller-Driscoll School is for our youngest learners. We introduce our students to the excitement of creating! Children are encouraged to explore a large variety of art media. Starting in Preschool children are introduced to 2D and 3D art. They create with clay, paint with such paints as tempera and watercolor, draw with a large variety of materials, and build sculptural pieces. Our goal is to nurture the creativity of our students while encouraging them to be risk-takers and to try new art styles they have not tried before.
We are guided by the National Core Art Standards http://www.nationalartsstandards.org/ and the Elements and Principles of Design. We embrace diversity in our curriculum as we introduce students to artists and art styles from communities around the world. A focus at this age level is on learning how to use art materials and tools, learning art vocabulary, integrating art projects into students’ personal lives, understanding the purposes of creating art, and understanding how art can be a storytelling tool.
Student artwork is displayed in the halls of our building throughout the year. In addition, students will bring home a portfolio of their work at the end of the year.

The Miller Driscoll Team
Jennifer Eyikan
Megan Putnick
Check out Miller-Driscoll Art's Instagram
Check out Miller-Driscoll Art's Instagram *
Art in our Schools
Miller Driscoll
Cider Mill
Wilton HS